Project Labels

All eRecord books and projects including display boards, stand-alone projects, and other projects must be properly labeled.

Create a label in the following format with this information:

Larimer (636)
Participant Name, 4-H Age
Department, Class
Name of Project, Unit #

Place the label on the front of your e-Record binder or folder, in the upper-right-hand corner. Also place an identical label on the back of your display board in the upper-right-hand corner, on the bottom of your stand-alone project, on the bottom of your plate of food items, inside your clothing garment, etc.

Shooting Sports Participants

Your Name of Project is “Shooting Sports” and the Unit # is the discipline.

Stand-Alone Projects

It is requested that you write a brief description of your item and how it is used. Use an 8.5″ x 11″ page and include the name of the item as a title, and then how the item is used, and how it was made. Use a large font so it can be read from a distance. This is not required, but it helps the viewing public understand what they’re seeing when they come through to see projects on display.

Here’s an example:

In 4-H, a hip quiver is required. Bow quivers or ground quivers are not allowed. This quiver is made using PVC pipe to keep my arrows safe when shooting and when retrieving arrows from targets.

If you have any questions, please contact Cindy.

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