January 2023 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by secretary, Eden Copeland.

The High Country Handiworkers meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. on January 9, 2023 by President Josh Ryan at the McKee Building at The Ranch.

The pledges were led by Bohdan and Madelyn Leppert, William Hayward, Wesley Anzaldua, Levi and Lucy Shrout, Kora and Paisley Dennis, Charlie Gilmore, Layna Bradbury, Matthew McMurtrey, Tigran Sargsyan, Bodhi Jessen, and Logan Cumpsten

New roll call procedure: Please take your nametag from the alphabetized file box at the start of the meeting, when you grab your agenda and Parli Pro book. Then at the end of the meeting, drop the name tags in the buckets at the exits of the room. This will be more effective for roll calls, saving time going through the entire list of members.

Ethan Osusky moved to approve the minutes from December as submitted by Eden Copeland to be posted on the club website. The motion was seconded and APPROVED.

Treasurer Gideon Rivera presented the treasurer report. In the checking account we have $1,074.16, in the savings account we have $5,591.03, and the CD has $2,076.67.

Willow Cameron, Paisley Dennis, and Charlie Gilmore led the sunshine report for the January birthdays. Cards were signed for Trinity Dunham and Dawson Leypoldt who both recently had surgeries.

The Cloverbuds made snowflakes and a Christmas tree out of craft sticks and recycled Christmas cards at their December meeting.

Leader’s Report: 

Clover Connection – Once you are enrolled, you will start getting the Clover Connection. It has important dates, workshop info, and general info.

Calendar – Look at the calendar so you won’t miss any important dates.

Project Workshops – Please attend the workshops specific to your project. There will be important information at these workshops.

Shooting Sports – There is a mandatory Annual Safety Meeting on Zoom. It is on January 20, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. There will be two more opportunities for this required meeting.

Visual Arts – Karley Rivera will be hosting meetings on the second Monday of the month before club meetings. They will start meeting at 5:30 p.m. in February.

Beekeeping – Jenelle Kemper is the leader. The first meeting will be on January 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the McKee Building.

Photography – Jenelle Kemper is also the photography leader. There will be a photography meeting on February 21, 2023 in the McKee Building.

Foods – The project will be meeting at 6:30 in February instead of 6:00 p.m. This meeting is held in the McKee Building.

Scrapbooking – Barb Hummel will host a project meeting at her home on January 28. There is a Signup on the website.

The parli pro leader, Rob Ryan, was gone so there was no report.

Old Business:

Enrollment – Enrollment is open and closes on February 1, 2023 for returning members and on March 1, 2023 for new members.

4-H Carnival – The Carnival is on March 4, 2023. Each member should sell 25 tickets. You are eligible for financial assistance and scholarships from the Larimer County 4-H Foundation if you sell at least 25 every year. The tickets are only $1. The tickets will be available at the meeting in February.

4-H Carnival Baskets – Our baskets are a Hunting/Camping/Fishing basket, a Sports basket, a USA basket, and a Nerf basket. Please bring items to donate for the baskets to the February club meeting.

Community Service – The opportunity to serve your community service with Wreaths Across America continues on Saturday, January 14 at around noon. We will be picking up the wreaths.

New Business:

Carnival Booths – Every year we do carnival booths at the 4-H Carnival in March. We decided on how many booths to do. Nate Rogers moved to do 4 booths, and Charlie Gilmore suggested 5. The motion for 4 booths was seconded and APPROVED. Then we picked the booths we were going to do. We took a hand vote and decided on the following booths: Lollipop Pull (2 tickets), Iron Man (4 tickets), TP Toss (3 tickets), and the Rubberband Shoot (3 tickets). We will need people to work at these booths on the carnival day so please look for the SignupGenius on the club website.

Courtyard Assisted Living Service Project – It was suggested that the club support Courtyard Assisted Living in Loveland as a club community service. Heather Leppert offered to help with organizing.


  • Nolan Osusky: 3D printing,
  • Liam Babcock: muzzleloading supplies,
  • Bohdan Leppert: safety rules and equipment for metalworking.

There was a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded and APPROVED. Josh Ryan adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m.

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