Interview Judging 2023

Hopefully, everybody had their projects done before last night and got some rest before Interview Judging today!

Interview Judging will be held in the McKee Building at The Ranch. Please arrive for your scheduled interview 15–30 minutes early for check-in. Make sure that you bring your completed record book with all necessary signatures.

If you have a large exhibit or require help to unload, park by the garage doors and come inside to notify someone at the registration table.

Everyone needs to check in and receive their exhibitor packet in the Exhibit Hall before their interview. When you are called for your interview, take your packet with you and the superintendents will help to attach your entry cards to the project and the record book.

Shooting Sports members will come to the Exhibit Hall to check in and then proceed to the back hallway and check in again in the LaPorte Room. There is a seating to wait in the hallway until you are called for your interview.

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