Livestock Sale Add-ons

Did you know you can support our 4-H livestock members even if you don’t buy an animal at the Junior Livestock Sale? You can contribute any dollar amount to a 4-H member by doing a Livestock Sale Add-on.

Add-Ons are an easy and great way to increase the total sale price for a youth member and are really appreciated. The add-on amount is directly credited to the total sale amount for the youth member you choose, and no bidding is necessary to participate. Additional contributions can also be made to a particular species or the overall Livestock Sale.

Click here to view the Sale Bill PDF.

  1. Fill out the Add-on Form.
  2. Go to the payment portal.
  3. Choose Select Service Type “Fair: Jr. Livestock Sale.” Include the child’s name, species, and the dollar amount.

Add-ons are accepted for 14 days from the sale date.

It’s a great way to show your support!

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