On behalf of the State Senate Nominations Committee:
Not only are we excited for you to sign up for Colorado State 4-H Conference, we would like you to think about being the next leader for your State Senate!
Have you ever wanted to engage with younger youth and lead Colorado 4-H as the state president or vice president?
This position is open to all senior 4-H members enrolled in Colorado and includes several leadership events throughout the year.
• September/October: Ag Day at the CSU Campus and Officer Retreat,
• November: Colorado Leadership Conference (intermediate members, held in northwest Colorado),
• January: Stock Show and Leadership Development Conference (senior members, held in Denver),
• March: Youth Fest (intermediate members, held at the State Fairgrounds),
• June: State Conference (held at Colorado State University).
• Monthly Zoom Meetings
In addition to the general roles filled by members of the state senate, the president and vice president oversee the officer team and facilitate communication between the advisors and members. They also serve as point people for team challenges and conflicts and are responsible for ensuring that all members of the team are heard and respected. They do not chair any event committees, however, the president runs official business meetings at two conferences, and the vice president is the chair of the nominations committee which runs elections at the conclusion of their term.
To run for this position:
- Submit the application today,
- Give a 3–5 minute speech at the opening session introducing yourself and highlighting key experiences from your 4-H career, as well as addressing the following prompt: Please discuss an individual whose leadership has had an influence on your life and been meaningful to you. How will you carry what you have learned in your life thus far to lead the State Senate if elected?
- Take a written test about 4-H knowledge, State Senate Knowledge, and Parliamentary Procedure (study guide will be sent out to all candidates once applications have been received),
- Complete an interview about your 4-H career, your leadership qualifications, and what led you to pursue this position,
- Answer a few questions on stage before the election,
- Communicate with and promote yourself to the voting delegates throughout the week.
On your initial application, you will designate whether you are running for president, vice president, or both. In the event that you are not elected President and you have chosen to run for both, you will automatically be in the running for vice president.
Following are forms to submit your application:
- State President Application Form: https://form.jotform.com/231084519165052
- State Vice President Application Form: https://form.jotform.com/231085361039149
If you have questions, please contact the state vice president Morgan Yeiser at morganyeiser@gmail.com or Aimee Kanode at Aimee.Kanode@colostate.edu.