Larimer County Fair Parade Grand Marshall 2024, Pam Heeney!

Congratulations to Pam Heeney on being named the grand marshall for the parade this year!

Pam Heeney is a legend. For those who know Pam, you know it’s not an overstatement. Pam retired from the Larimer County Extension Office in May, after 47 years as the 4-H administrative assistant. This is remarkable, but Pam has always been surrounded by the clover and recognizes the impacts it’s had on her life. Pam grew up in Fort Collins and attended Timnath Elementary School, Bolz Middle School, and graduated from Fort Collins High School in 1977. A 10-year 4-H member, Pam excelled in several projects, including sheep, beef, dairy cows, sewing and leadership. During her senior year in high school, her father, Tom Brown, became the 4-H Extension specialist for Larimer County.

Upon graduation (and following a 4-H leadership conference to Washington D.C.), Pam started volunteering in the Extension Office, doing various administrative tasks and organizing programs. In fall of 1977 she was hired as a part-time employee. Pam married Stan Heeney in 1978, who she met when she was five years old (they attended the same schools, church, swim lessons, and 4-H club) and they started their family in 1982. Pam, Stan, and big brother Mike welcomed twins Vicki and Greg in 1987. Pam continued to work part-time for the Extension Office while raising her family. She also volunteered at their schools in the health room and helped cover office shifts as needed.

Mike, Vicki, and Greg are proud 11-year 4-H members and did some of the same projects that Pam did – including sheep and sewing. In 2005, Pam was hired full-time at the Larimer County Extension Office as the 4-H administrative assistant and continued in this position until her recent retirement.

In her four-decade career, Pam has seen a lot and done a lot. She’s worked with three generations of 4- H members and loves the excitement of the county fair. Her fondest memories are helping 4-H’ers accomplish their goals and seeing their success. She looks back on her time in 4-H and fondly remembers her many memories and achievements, which she experiences with current members today. While her job wasn’t always easy (wrangling hundreds of members never is!), it was rooted in fun. Pam also credits her office family and colleagues for their support, dedication, and collaboration through the good times and tougher times.

What’s next for Pam? She plans to read – a lot! She also plans to travel to visit her daughter, Vicki, in Arizona and friends in Oklahoma. She looks forward to spending more time with her two grandchildren, Hailey, and Toby, and going to their dance recitals and baseball games. Finally, she plans to finish sewing a quilt that her grandmother started – but first needs to re-learn the stitches (fortunately she has connections on who to ask).

As Pam transitions into the next chapter of her life, she can retire knowing that she’s touched thousands of lives with her kindness, warm smile, a helping hand, and endless support. She really has made “The Best Better.”

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