Meeting Report

June 2019 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, June 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Our club congratulated the 4-H members graduating from high school this year. We also met two of our newest future members who were born in February and March.

One Cloverbud member recently held a garage sale to raise money to buy a dog and take part in the project in the future.

A committee was formed to work on ideas for the fair parade float. The theme for the parade on July 27 is “From Wagon Wheels to Ferris Wheels.” 

4-H families are eligible for discounted rodeo tickets and carnival wristbands. Members should visit the club website to place orders.

The Paul & Jean Hoshiko Memorial Golf Tournament was held to benefit the Colorado 4-H Foundation in Windsor. Club members sold truck raffle tickets at the event.

There were demonstrations about grooming a horse, putting together a recurve, archery equipment to keep in a quiver, rally competition for dog, making a rifle sight-in stand, fitting a goat for showmanship, testing your garden soil, and making your garden bee friendly.

One member performed her champion dance solo from the Performing Arts Competition on June 8.

The next meeting will be on July 8 at 7:00 p.m.

May 2019 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, May 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Last month, the club went to Sweetheart Lanes for a bowling field trip and had a lot of fun.

Some of our members competed in a cake decorating contest. One member was awarded the sportsmanship award.

The club purchased new t-shirts for members and leaders. They were distributed at the meeting.

This year’s fair parade theme will be “From Wagon Wheels to Ferris Wheels.” Next month we will begin planning our float for the parade.

There were demonstrations about dog tricks, equipment to shear sheep, stenciling and carving wood, essentials for bottle lambs, and working with a market hog.

The next meeting will be on June 10 at 7:00 p.m.

April 2019 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

​The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Our club leader, Cindy Buckardt went over results from the 4-H Carnival. Our club had three of the top ticket sellers and our club sold a total of 3,605 tickets. The club’s game booths brought in 5,000+ tickets and our four baskets brought in $1,160. All of the members did a good job of selling their tickets and making the carnival a success.

The club has upcoming events like a bowling afternoon, community services projects, a demonstration night, and a Foods project field trip.

The county is looking for a theme for this year’s fair parade.

There was one demonstration about pigs.

The next meeting will be on May 13 at 7:00 p.m.

March 2019 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, March 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Rob Ryan, our club parliamentarian, talked about when we use a motion and why we have discussion.

In the leaders report, members took notes about important dates this 4-H year.

The club talked about results from the 4-H Carnival. The club booths at the carnival brought in 5,000+ tickets and our baskets sold for great prices. Members did a good job of selling their tickets and our club sold more than 3,500 tickets.

The county is looking for a theme for this year’s fair parade.

Club members brought ideas for t-shirt designs, and the club voted for this year’s design.

There was a demonstration about a member’s beef project.

The next meeting will be on April 8 at 7:00 p.m.

For more information, visit the High Country Handiworkers website at or on Facebook and Instagram by searching for hch4hclub.

February 2019 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, February 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Enrollment is still open for new members. The deadline to enroll is March 1. Returning members can add or remove projects until March 1 also.

Rob Ryan, our club parliamentarian, talked about how to use parliamentary procedure to make decisions using motions, a second, and a vote. 

The club members who sold tickets at King Soopers did really well. The total for the weekend was 675 tickets and received $180 in donations.

The 4-H Carnival is at the First National Bank Building on March 2 from 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. Our club will have five booths at the carnival. Members turned in tickets they’ve sold and will be signing up to work at the booths. Our club is also gathering items for three club baskets: Camping, Colorado Sports, and Dog Lovers.

The Larimer County Exchange Club is hosting a dance after the carnival in the McKee Building from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m.

The club will be buying T-shirts for members and leaders this year. Please bring your design ideas to the next meeting. 

There was a demonstration about using different tips for cake decorating.

The next meeting will be on March 11 at 7:00 p.m.

For more information, visit the High Country Handiworkers website at or on Facebook and Instagram by searching for hch4hclub.

January 2019 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Enrollment is still open for new members. The deadline to enroll is March 1. Returning members can add or remove projects until March 1 also.

The club voted on the booths to run at the 4-H Carnival on March 2. Members received tickets to sell for the carnival. Our club will be selling tickets at the King Soopers on Eagle Drive on January 26 and 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Cindy Buckardt reported about the club’s community service last month. The club wrapped presents for the Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County. There were 285 excited kids at the Christmas party!

There were demonstrations about Archery Stabilizers, Molding Brass, and Fractions for Baking.

The next meeting will be on February 11 at 7:00 p.m.

December 2018 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Enrollment for the 2019 4-H year is open. For returning members the deadline is January 15. If new members are interested in joining 4-H, the enrollment deadline is March 1. For more information, go to

The club talked about booths for the 4-H Carnival coming up on March 2 and voted on themes for baskets to sell at the auction: Colorado Sports, Dog Care, and Camping.

Rob Ryan is serving as the club’s parliamentarian and talked about why parliamentary procedure is important in meetings and to elect officers who will follow it well when running meetings.

The club elected officers for the upcoming year: Brooke Carlson as President, Bree Caffey as Vice President, Grace Gray as Secretary, Lizzy Fetzer as Treasurer, Walker Cameron as Reporter, Kathryn Cox as Historian, and Cael Claude and Eden Copeland as Sunshine.

The club wrapped presents for the Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County and families brought cookies to share.

There were no demonstrations.

The next meeting will be on Monday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m.

For more information, visit the High Country Handiworkers website at, on Facebook by searching for hch4hclub, or on Instagram at hch4hclub.

November 2018 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

The club and its members did very well at Larimer County achievement night.

The club voted to do a community service at the next meeting, wrapping presents for Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County.

Enrollment for the 2019 4-H year is open. For returning members the deadline is January 15. If new members are interested in joining 4-H, the enrollment deadline is March 1. For more information, go to

On the 4th of November, volunteers from our club turned pens for the troops. 100 completed writing pens are being sent to service men and women.

The club will have officer elections at the December meeting.

Club leader, Cindy Buckardt, presented achievements to the club members for the past year. Member pins, livestock record books, and special awards were given out.

There were demonstrations presented about the stages of gestation for goats, tips on buying a rabbit, a member’s Captain America woodworking project, a member’s bucket seat project for home environment, proper vaccination methods, and Portuguese water dogs.

The next meeting will be on December 10 at 7:00 p.m.

For more information, visit the High Country Handiworkers website at or on Facebook by searching for hch4hclub.

October 2018 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

​The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, October 8 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

The Cloverbuds toured Fire Station 3 and learned about fire safety.

Many club members placed at county fair and went on to compete at state fair. It was a successful year.

The club will be getting new t-shirts this year and members are encouraged to bring design ideas to the next meeting. 

Enrollment for members and leaders is coming up beginning October 16. All returning leaders need to complete refresher training.

The Larimer County 4-H achievement night will be on November 2 at 6:30 p.m.

There were demonstrations about channel catfish and grooming a horse.

The next meeting will be on November 12 at 7:00 p.m.

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