June 2019 Meeting Report
Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.
The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, June 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.
Our club congratulated the 4-H members graduating from high school this year. We also met two of our newest future members who were born in February and March.
One Cloverbud member recently held a garage sale to raise money to buy a dog and take part in the project in the future.
A committee was formed to work on ideas for the fair parade float. The theme for the parade on July 27 is “From Wagon Wheels to Ferris Wheels.”
4-H families are eligible for discounted rodeo tickets and carnival wristbands. Members should visit the club website to place orders.
The Paul & Jean Hoshiko Memorial Golf Tournament was held to benefit the Colorado 4-H Foundation in Windsor. Club members sold truck raffle tickets at the event.
There were demonstrations about grooming a horse, putting together a recurve, archery equipment to keep in a quiver, rally competition for dog, making a rifle sight-in stand, fitting a goat for showmanship, testing your garden soil, and making your garden bee friendly.
One member performed her champion dance solo from the Performing Arts Competition on June 8.
The next meeting will be on July 8 at 7:00 p.m.