
Our Club’s Project Areas

Let’s talk about projects! We have 92 kids enrolled in the club. I would really like those of you enrolled in the same projects to get to know each other, and for the club leaders to reach out to the kids enrolled in the projects you lead. Leaders, please let me know what information you need from me to make this happen.

Once workshops and practices resume, please wear your club shirts as often as possible so you can recognize each other. (Don’t forget to order club shirts and hoodies here! The deadline is March 25.)

We have 53 kids enrolled in Shooting Sports. Here they are by discipline. We also have many kids in these projects.

Shooting Sports DisciplineMembers
Air Pistol7
Air Rifle7
Outdoor Skills7
.22 Pistol3
.22 Rifle9
Western Heritage6
Cake Decorating9
Home Design3
Visual Arts7

Other projects include Leadership, Photography, Film Making, Scrapbooking, Heritage Arts, Ceramics, Gardening, and Outdoor Adventures. We have quite a variety. Members, please realize you have a fantastic group of leaders to reach out to and know that you have fellow members you can reach out to also.

I am very pleased to see such a variety of projects.

Project Manuals Are In

Project manuals are available to pick up from Cindy at Construction Supply House (255 42nd Street SW, Unit B, Loveland). Cindy can also mail them to you. Please let her know what you would prefer. And if you’re not sure whether you are to receive a manual, see below or ask!

Not all projects have manuals.

  • Poultry does not have a manual. Information is all online.
  • Shooting Sports has manuals, but they are reference guides only.
  • If you are repeating a project unit then there will not be a new manual for you.

Some of you have manuals that need to be completed for Fair so now is a good time to work on them.

2020 Officer Team

Congratulations to our newly-elected officers for 2020!

President: Josh Ryan
Vice President: Nate Rogers
Secretary: Andrea Newby
Treasurer: Clara Coats
Reporter: CharLee Davis
Sunshine: Kathryn Cox and Wyatt Grundy
​Historian: Morgan Copeland

Food and Consumer Science Extension Agent Opening

Larimer County Extension is looking for a Food and Consumer Science Agent. The position is now posted and will close November 21, 2019. 

Following is a short job description. (A full job description is here.)

The position will provide leadership, guidance, direction and educational program support to family and consumer sciences programs in Larimer County including, but not limited to, food safety and safe food preservation; human, family and community development; family finance; nutrition, and health and wellness as they relate to individuals, families and communities.

A completed master’s degree is required for this position. At least one degree must have been conferred in family and consumer sciences, food science and/or nutrition, child or human development, community or public health, family financial management, food safety, human sciences, or a closely related field.

View the job vacancy announcement and apply. For full consideration, all materials must be RECEIVED no later than 11:59 PM Mountain Time on Thursday, November 21, 2019.

Parade Float Building Meetup Rescheduled to July 21

The meetup to work on the parade float has been rescheduled! The Mann family will host on Sunday, July 21 from 2:00–5:00 p.m. We understand that there are conflicts with Shooting Sports so please plan to come if you don’t have a conflict.

The address is 25351 Heritage Court, Johnstown, CO 80534. You can contact Phylicia Mann at 970-515-2789 or

Club Announcements for July 8, 2019

Our last club meeting before fair is tonight!

Be sure to read the minutes.

Fair entry forms are due on Monday, July 15. Please bring it if you wish for Cindy to turn it in. We’ll have the premium book so we can help with filling in Departments and Class numbers. Scroll to the footer on this website under Helpful Links to download the Entry Form. If you are in Horse or Dog that is the separate form, and some members might need multiple entry forms. If you are in livestock you have fees and the Code of Ethics Form as well.

Only 3 members are currently signed up for demonstrations! That means everyone else has their demo done. Right?!? If not and you’re not sure what to do, please contact Cindy or Anita.

County shoots have begun. Best wishes to all of you competing in shooting sports!

Anita and Cindy will be available at Construction Supply House starting at 6:00 p.m. on July 26 to review and sign record books while club members work on the float.

Dog and Cat Project Clarifications


If you want to participate in any of the dog show activities then you MUST enter on the Fair Entry Form and submit it by July 15. This is NOT a requirement to participate—it is an option. To complete the dog project, the dog record book must be completed and turned in to Cindy by September 12. If you are participating in the dog activities prior to fair then the record book must be up-to-date and taken to the check-in at the shows.


If you want to participate in the cat show then you MUST enter on the fair entry form and submit it July 15. This is NOT a requirement to participate—it is an option. To complete the project, the cat record book must be completed and turned in to Cindy by September 12. If you are participating in the activities prior to fair then the record book must be up-to-date and taken to the check-in.

Also, Cat projects may participate in the county fair. If you would like then the record book must be completed and a display board completed. This must be on the fair entry form as well. Following fair entry, sign up for an interview time. Again this is optional but strongly encouraged.

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