
Hunter Ed Internet Conclusion Course on November 20

An Internet Conclusion Course for hunter education is being offered on Saturday, November 20 from 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. at Colorado Youth Outdoors Swift Ponds. This course is for those who have already completed the Internet Course via

To view the information and sign up, visit the Colorado Parks and Wildlife page.

(Hunter education is NOT required to take part in Shooting Sports in Larimer County 4-H. However, to be eligible to compete at the state competition, participants must submit their hunter education card before the July 1, 2022 deadline. You can find more details by visiting the website.)

National 4-H Week 2021 / Find Your Spark

National 4-H Week starts today! What are you interested in learning about? What projects and opportunities can 4-H offer to help you FIND YOUR SPARK?

It’s a great time to ask questions and find the areas that might be just the thing for you. Feel free to comment, message, or call with any questions. And we’ll be at the 4-H Open House on Monday, October 18 from 5:30–7:30 to share information.

State Shoot Virtual Awards Program / October 4 at 5:00 p.m.

Over 1,000 Colorado 4-H members participated in the 2021 State 4-H Shooting Sports Championships Alternate Format. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and perseverance over the past year while staying engaged in your 4-H projects. I would like to take this time to congratulate each and every one of you on your accomplishments! A virtual awards recognition hosted by the Colorado 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors will air via Colorado 4-H Facebook at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 4th. All official Colorado State 4-H Shooting Sports Championships results, including National Qualifier lists,  will be available on the Colorado State 4-H website following the virtual recognition presentation.


Sam Lowry

Beef Seminar / October 15, 2021

Members may be beginning to look for their new beef project animal for this upcoming year. For members that are in this project or have an interest in this project, I encourage you to attend the Starting the Year Off Right seminar that I will be hosting on CSU’s campus in Room 161 the Animal Science Building, 350 West Pitkin Street in Fort Collins, on Friday, October 15th from 6:30–8:00 p.m. Members can park in the Animals Science Parking Lot, or the parking lot in front of the general services building just to the East of Animal Sciences, for free. Members can also use spaces in the parking garages but must pay to park there. 

The objective of this seminar is to assist members of all ages within the program. We will discuss the importance of setting goals, facilities, outlining a budget, project endpoint requirements, and evaluating calves to create a positive experience.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions I can help with.

Bailey Schilling

Budweiser Events Center Implements Clear Bag Policy

The Budweiser Events Center at The Ranch has implemented a clear bag policy. This is the venue for the PRCA Rodeo during the Larimer County Fair.

  • Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC and do not exceed 12” W x 12” H x 6” D.
  • Bags are not to have any logos or decoration larger than 3.4” W x 4.5” H.
  • Logos may only be on one (1) side of the bag.
  • Bags are not to have any buckles, straps, or hardware concealing any part of the bag.
  • Bags that close via a zipper or snap are permitted.
  • One-gallon clear plastic bags (Ziplock or similar) are permitted.
  • One (1) personal item such as a small clutch or wallet not exceeding 4.5” x 6.5” in size may be brought into the arena.
  • Guests are allowed one (1) large clear bag – either the 12” W x 12” H x 6” D clear bag or one-gallon Ziploc style bag – plus one (1) small personal item.

Find all of the details at the following link:

Update to Guidelines for In-Person Programming as of May 25, 2021

In accordance with current guidance from the Larimer County Health Department and CSU, we are updating our guidelines for Larimer County in-person 4-H programming.

As of today, May 25, 2021, until further instruction, the guidelines for 4-H In-person programming are as follows: 

  • Proper mask-wearing is encouraged indoors but is up to the discretion of individuals and families.
  • Hand sanitizing and frequent hand washing are encouraged, especially for indoor events.
  • Social distancing must be enforced for indoor events with over 100 attendees. If you plan to hold an event with 100 attendees or more, you must discuss it with a Larimer County 4-H agent in advance. 


You no longer need to submit the COVID In-Person Programming request form to hold in-person events. However, approval must be requested and received in advance to hold any 4-H events outside of regular club meetings that are not planned in coordination with a Larimer County 4-H Agent by submitting this form.

Attendance records are also no longer required to be submitted. 

As a reminder, all club fundraising must be approved in advance. Request approval by submitting this form at least two weeks in advance of your fundraising activities. 

We suggest bookmarking these two forms as these will be required for all applicable events moving forward. 

Thank you for all you have done over the past 15 months to protect the health of our community and each other and to collaborate with us to continue to provide programming in creative ways to the Larimer County 4-H youth through this challenging time. We are truly stronger together, and we are so excited to move forward into this next phase with you. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of your 4-H agents: 

Warm regards from your Larimer County 4-H Team

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