
Leadership Project Information Night

Do you currently think of yourself as a leader in your school, your club, or among your friends? Would you like to? What does it mean to be a leader?

Join us on Monday, November 29 at 6:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at The Ranch.

This workshop will explore the Five Practices of Leadership, and together we will dive into what it means to be a leader.

This workshop will also include:

  • A brief overview of the 4-H Leadership Project, including what it entails and expectations and opportunities for members
  • An overview of Leadership roles and opportunities available to Larimer County 4-H members

This workshop is open to all current or potential 4-H members. You do not need to be enrolled in the Leadership Project to attend.

RSVP by visiting the SignUpGenius.

CANCELED: Photography Project Information Night

This project workshop has been canceled.

Are you considering joining the 4-H Photography project or already enrolled in Photography?

Join us for an introduction to the Photography project on Monday, November 29 at 6:00 p.m. in the McKee Building at The Ranch.

You’ll learn:

  • Expectations for members and parents
  • What support and opportunities are available to members in this project
  • Important dates
  • Tips for what to work on over the upcoming holiday breaks

We invite all photography members to join, but this workshop will be most useful to members in their 1st–2nd years in the project and those considering joining it. 

RSVP by going to the SignUpGenius.

Sewing Project Information Night

Are you considering joining any of the 4-H Sewing projects or already enrolled in Sewing?

Join us on Wednesday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at The Ranch.

We’ll offer an introduction to the various sewing projects offered, begin learning sewing basics, and get some tips for what to work on over the upcoming holiday breaks!

This workshop is relevant for all sewing project members (including Clothing Construction and Artistic Clothing), but would be most useful to members in their 1st–3rd years in the project and those considering joining these projects.

If you have a sewing machine you can bring, please bring it. We have some extra sewing machines available for those who cannot bring their own, but please note this in the comment when you sign up.

At this workshop, we will review the various sewing projects, resources and tips, important dates, expectations for members and parents, and so much more!

RSVP on SignupGenius here.

Livestock Project Updates

All livestock members should be aware of some changes being made this year.

Weigh-in Dates

Beef: February 22, 2022

Sheep/Goats: April 25, 2022

Hogs: Nominations open April 1, 2022 and are due May 2, 2022.

Beef Program Weights

Market Heifers: 1,075–1450 lb (Minimum weight increased)

Market Steers: 1,100–1,550 lb (No change)

Sheep/Goats Weights

The past rule states: Goats are to be born after December 1, 2021. Lambs are to be born after January 1, 2022.

To have a valid, enforceable rule for youthful animals, there will be a maximum weight allowed for animals that tag in on April 25, 2022.

  • Goats cannot weigh over 85 lb on April 25, 2022. If they do they will not be a valid entry.
  • Lambs cannot weigh over 125 lb on April 25, 2022. If they do they will not be a valid entry.

As a guideline to stay within the weight limits, birthdates are recommended as in previous years.

County Fair Weights for Sheep/Goats

Market Goats: 60–120 lb (maximum weight put in place)

Market Lambs: 105–170 lb (maximum weight put in place)

Extension Agent is allowed to “mouth” market wethers/does/ewes if there is reason.

Market Hog Program

Photo IDs will be required with hog nominations like 2021.

6 photos will be required: front view, rear view, both sides, and close up of each ear showing all of the notches.

State Fair Nominations

Animals being nominated for the state fair will need to work with Robyn Toft at the Colorado State Fair for DNA packets. We will not be forwarding retinal images for the state fair.

Please reach out to Bailey Schilling with any questions you may have.

New Project: Beekeeping

Ever wonder where honey comes from? What do bees do all day long? The 4-H Beekeeping Project helps youth learn about bees and how to be a beekeeper. Beekeeping offers hands-on educational experiences, from learning about bees and nectar to learning to raise bees and produce honey.

Club News for November 3

Please take note of these upcoming events.

Leathercraft Workshop

Thursday, November 4
4:00 p.m.
McKee Building, The Ranch

If you are enrolled or you’re thinking about enrolling in Leathercraft, there is a workshop on Thursday from 4:00–5:00 p.m. This is a good opportunity to meet with Bryant Miller to discuss the project and learn about the opportunities and levels (units) you might be interested in.

Larimer County 4-H Achievement Night

Friday, November 5
6:30 p.m.
McKee Building, The Ranch

A night of recognition for the deserving youth and leaders from throughout Larimer County. We have club members who will be receiving awards. Come and support them!

Turn Pens for the Troops

Saturday, November 6
11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Woodcraft of Loveland, 3718 Draft Horse Drive, Loveland

In honor of servicemen and women, Woodcraft is hosting a wood pen turning event. This is not a 4-H event but it will count for community service. There is no signup. Just arrive at the store when it works for you. And be sure and take pictures! You can find more information about this Woodcraft event by clicking here. (Sorry the link in our email didn’t work. This one should!)

Cake Decorating Kick-off

Monday, November 8
6:30 p.m.
McKee Building, The Ranch

Cake decorating will hold a meeting to begin the year at 6:30 p.m. If you are enrolled in cake decorating or you’re thinking about enrolling in cake decorating, attend the workshop. You can come over to the club meeting after cake decorating is over.

HCH Club Meeting

Monday, November 8
7:00 p.m.
McKee Building, The Ranch

Our club’s meeting for November will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Monday. We’ll be doing our club’s achievement night for awards and certificates to members for accomplishments from the past year. Whether you’re a long-time member, or you’re new to 4-H and want to see what it’s about, plan to attend! (Those attending the cake decorating kick-off can plan to come whenever that workshop concludes.)

Kansas 4-H Entomology Member Makes Discovery of Invasive Species

A spotted lanternfly, shown at a Pennsylvania vineyard, appeared in a boy’s bug collection at the Kansas State Fair. The invasive insect, not previously known to be in Kansas, can damage trees and crops. (Matt Rourke/AP)

A 4-H member in northwestern Kansas discovered an invasive species as part of his entomology project.

“It’s the excitement of a kid learning about their world, putting it on display, and sure enough, they discovered something that adults were like, ‘Wow, this is really important for us to be aware of. He has alerted us to a threat we weren’t aware of, and we’re really thankful.”

Read the article here.

Beef Seminar / October 15, 2021

Members may be beginning to look for their new beef project animal for this upcoming year. For members that are in this project or have an interest in this project, I encourage you to attend the Starting the Year Off Right seminar that I will be hosting on CSU’s campus in Room 161 the Animal Science Building, 350 West Pitkin Street in Fort Collins, on Friday, October 15th from 6:30–8:00 p.m. Members can park in the Animals Science Parking Lot, or the parking lot in front of the general services building just to the East of Animal Sciences, for free. Members can also use spaces in the parking garages but must pay to park there. 

The objective of this seminar is to assist members of all ages within the program. We will discuss the importance of setting goals, facilities, outlining a budget, project endpoint requirements, and evaluating calves to create a positive experience.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions I can help with.

Bailey Schilling

Pick Up Your Projects on August 11

All exhibits and record books must be picked up from the McKee Building on Wednesday, August 11th between 7:00–10:00 a.m.

We cannot guarantee that any projects not picked up by 10:00 a.m. on August 11th can be returned. Please plan accordingly. 

If your project is eligible to go to the State Fair, please refer to the information printed on purple paper in your record book, or found here.

Club News for August 5

Dairy Bar

A reminder that we are hosting the Dairy Bar on Saturday and it appears we could use some volunteers in the evening 6:00–7:30 p.m. and 7:30–9:00 p.m. Thank you to those already signed up! Please visit the SignUpGenius.

Rodeo Tickets and Carnival Wristbands

If you ordered discounted rodeo tickets or carnival wristbands and haven’t had a chance to get them from Cindy, she will be at sheep check-in tonight from 6:00–9:00 p.m., or swine check-in from 5:00–9:00 a.m. on Friday morning. Or text her at 970-481-7993 to catch up.


Congratulations to all of you who have participated in the county fair and those about to. So far our club has done PHENOMENAL!

Pee Wee Showmanship

Pee Wee showmanship is Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. All kids up to 8-years-old including those who have turned 8 but are not in 4-H yet are welcome! Registration starts at 7:30 a.m. (No prior registration is needed.) The 4-H youth will provide lambs and there is guidance for the kids showing in the ring. All HCH club members with lambs who are willing to help our Cloverbuds, please do so. It’s all fun!

Fair Entry Survey

The Fair Entry system used this year was new to Larimer County, and we want to hear your thoughts about it. Please fill out the survey and leave your comments. We’ll gather the information and pass it on to the Extension Office and The Ranch/Fair Board. Click here to go to the Fair Entry Survey.

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