
Cake Decorating Workshop: Supply Lists for February 5, 2024

The next Cake Decorating workshop will be held on Monday, February 5 at 6:00 p.m. in the Exhibit Hall at the McKee 4-H Building.

Cloverbuds are welcome to attend!

If you are planning to attend, please sign up on the SignUpGenius here.

If you have any questions, contact Christie Barrett at

Following are the supply lists by unit:

Unit 1 and Cloverbuds
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 5
Frosting Flowers

Livestock Weigh Days, Tagging, and MQA for 2024

Market Livestock Members: Mark these dates on your calendar now! Weigh days and tagging are REQUIRED to be eligible to show at the Larimer County Fair. If you can’t be there, you must arrange for someone to bring your animal.

Weigh Days will be held at the Youth and Community Building at The Ranch. Tagging supplies for swine will be available at the extension office starting on April 1.

Members enrolled in any market and/or breeding livestock project for the first time MUST attend a Colorado 4-H Meat Quality Assurance (MQA) program, regardless of age. 4-H members must attend a Colorado 4-H MQA program a minimum of twice during their 4-H career, once as a junior and again after becoming a senior 4-H member.

Watch for more information coming in January from the extension office for your project. And if you have any questions, please ask!

Register for Beef Camp / April 5–7, 2024

Registration for Beef Camp, to be held from April 5–7, 2024, is now open. There is a cap of 20 participants for this camp. The cost is $250 per person.

If you need financial assistance to take advantage of this learning opportunity, the Junior Leadership Club and the Larimer County 4-H Foundation both have project scholarship opportunities for 4-H members. Find more information and the applications on their websites:

Junior Leadership Club Event Scholarship Request

Larimer County 4-H Foundation Funding Requests

CANCELED: Scrapbooking Workshop / November 11, 2023

This event has been CANCELED.

Barb Hummel is hosting a workshop for any members interested in scrapbooking. Everything you need will be supplied to create fun cards and tags.

The meeting will be hosted by High Country Handiworkers project leader Barb Hummel at her home at 3339 West County Road 4, Berthoud, CO 80513 on Saturday, November 11 at 9:00 a.m. We have room for 8 members to attend (no Cloverbuds, please).

Please sign up so we know to expect you.

Foods Project Meeting / November 6, 2023

Kicking off the new 4-H year with our first Foods group meeting on Monday, November 6 at 6:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at The Ranch 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland, CO.

Any 4-H members who might be interested in the Foods project are welcome to attend…you don’t have to be enrolled in Foods to join us!

We’re planning to go through the options for the units in the Foods project and what you can make for each unit. And please feel free to bring something with Fall flavors to share!

Beef Project Orientation / October 13, 2023

The Beef project will kick off the new 4-H year with an orientation workshop on Friday, October 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the Loveland/Fort Collins Rooms in the McKee Building at The Ranch. This is a great opportunity to learn about different aspects of the beef project and how to be successful with your project animal.

#4h #hch4h #larimer4h #colorado4h #4hbeef #4hlivestock

Mandatory Meetings for Junior Livestock Sale

Message from the Larimer County Jr Livestock Sale Committee:

The first of two mandatory livestock sale meetings will be held on Sunday, June 25 from 4:00–6:00 p.m. at the McKee Building. Another opportunity will be on Sunday, July 9 from 4:00–6:00 p.m. at the McKee Building.

Meeting Information

In an effort to streamline processes, answer questions, provide important information, and distribute Sale Packets, the Larimer County Junior Livestock Sale Committee will be hosting two mandatory Sale Committee Meetings. You must attend one of these meetings in order to participate in the Sale on August 9, 2023.

The meetings will review important information and changes to the Sale along with each Livestock Exhibitor that is eligible to participate in the Sale will receive their Sale Packet. The Sale Packet will contain the buyers’ contact card, brochures and information about the Sale, mandatory paperwork, and other important information.

If, for some reason, you cannot attend either meeting, please email us to make other arrangements. Or you can send an authorized representative to the meeting. If you plan to send someone in your place, please email us with the 4-H member’s name(s) and who you are assigning to pick up the packets.

We hope to see you all there and have a great day.

John Foley at
Stephanie Morrison at or 1-970-443-9891
Caree Rinebarger at or 1-970-219-1690

Poultry Workshop and Modified Show Reminder

There is a Poultry Meeting at The Ranch next Tuesday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fort Collins Room in the McKee 4-H Building.

Key leaders Lacy, Russ, and Cheryl will be there to answer your questions about the Modified Poultry Show for Market Birds, which will be held July 11–12, and the events scheduled to take place during the County Fair.

Please see this file for more information about the Modified Poultry Show.

Here is some important information for you to have about the change of the show:

1) Entries for Poultry classes are due June 26.

2) This is a terminal market show—you will not be taking birds home.

3) You are limited to two entries per species.

4) Poultry will be included in the Junior Livestock Sale. Photos will be taken following the show on July 12 beginning at 2 p.m.

5) All birds will be vet-checked prior to entering the show area. It is important that you monitor your entire flock for signs of illness prior to the show. Do not bring any birds if they are showing any signs of Avian Influenza.

Please contact key leaders Lacy, Russ, or Cheryl with questions about the meeting and the Fair!

Contact Lacy at or Russ and Cheryl at

Scrapbooking Workshop / June 16, 2023

Barb Hummel is hosting another workshop for our scrapbookers. Everything you need will be supplied for the meeting. And bring your creativity!

The meeting will be hosted by High Country Handiworkers project leader Barb Hummel at her home at 3339 West County Road 4, Berthoud, CO 80513 on Friday, June 16 at 1:00 p.m.

Hog Camp / June 9–10, 2023

From Bailey Schilling:

There is an exciting opportunity for you to join this year’s Hog Camp. We are happy to welcome Bryan Williams as the clinician for this camp. Bryan is the creator of which assists members in understanding animal evaluation, show ring success, and basic livestock knowledge. Bryan has worked very closely with several successful breeders in the swine industry, along with raising and feeding highly competitive show pigs. Bryan has built a career working with youth by serving as an FFA instructor. We are excited to welcome Bryan, and he’s excited to share his knowledge with you. 

The camp will be on June 9–10 in the East Pavilion at the Ranch.

If you are interested in attending this event, please fill out a registration form and deliver it to the extension office or email it to Bailey Schilling. Registration will be completed when it is coupled with a payment. Please register as soon as possible. 

Click here for the registration form.

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