January 2019 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by secretary, Grace Gray.

The meeting of the High Country Handiworkers was called to order at 7:11 p.m. on January 14, 2019 by President Brooke Carlson.

The pledges were led by Morgan Copeland, Sydney Gray, and Mikayla Mann.

Roll call was taken by Secretary Grace Gray and the question asked was, “What one thing will you do differently this year on your project?”

Cael ​Claude moved to approve the minutes as posted on the club website. Seconded and APPROVED.

The treasurer’s report was given by Lizzy Fetzer: checking = $5,844.00 and savings = $2,324.00.

The reporter’s report was given by Walker Cameron. December’s meeting report was submitted to the Coloradoan and Reporter-Herald as well as social media and the club’s website.

The sunshine report was presented by Cael Claude and Eden Copeland. We had six January birthdays.

There was no Cloverbud report, because there was no Cloverbud meeting in December.

Leader’s Report:

Enrollment – The last day for enrollment is January 15th. All leaders must re-enroll and do leader training.

Hunters Safety – Course will be March 23–24, 2019.

Foods Field Trip – Trista Claude set up a field trip to the Black Garlic Spice Co. shop in Loveland on January 21, 2019 at 1:30 p.m.

Outdoor Skills – Orientation will be on February 21 and is mandatory for Outdoor Skill participants to be able to shoot archery, .22 rifle, and shotgun disciplines if not already enrolled in them.

Western Heritage – Leader Jackie Easthouse  talked about Western Heritage. The meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6:00 p.m. at the Ranch.  Participants wear old west clothes, learn about the old west history, and create their own characters.

Shooting Sports Orientation for Air Rifle, Air Pistol, .22 Rifle, .22 Pistol will be held in the exhibit hall at 6:30 p.m. on January 17 for returning members, and January 27 at 12:30 p.m. for new members.

New Business:

4-H Carnival – The booths for the club this year are Iron Man, Toilet Paper Toss, Lollipop Pull, Lock Box, and Rubberband Guns. The carnival is March 2 in the First National Bank Building.

4-H Carnival Ticket Sales – Club members can sign up to sell their tickets on January 26–27 from 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. at King Soopers on Eagle Drive in Loveland. There will be a Signup Genius on the club website to choose a time slot. The 4-H member in the county to sell the most tickets will be awarded $100.


  • Walker Cameron about stabilizers for archery.
  • Nate Rogers about how he made a brass 4-H clover for a pistol box for his shooting sports project.
  • Juni Godfrey about fractions and how they apply to baking.

River Matthews moved to adjourn meeting at 8:28 p.m. Seconded and APPROVED.

Clover Connections: February 2019

The newsletter for February is up! Grab a copy and take time to note the dates on your calendar. The Calendar on our club website has also been updated for your reference.

Archery Members: Please note that the information in the newsletter about Orientations and the first two practices is incorrect.

  • Orientation on Tuesday, February 19 is for all returning members. If you were in archery last year, please attend on this date.
  • The Orientation/Workshop on Saturday, March 9 is mandatory for first-year members. (Returning members who were unable to attend on February 19 should also attend.)
  • Practices on Tuesday, February 26 and Thursday, March 7 are for returning members.
    (First-year members will begin practice after attending the Orientation/Workshop on March 9.)

The February newsletter is available here.

4-H Carnival Tickets are Available!

Carnival tickets were distributed to members at the January meeting. If you weren’t able to attend, catch up with Cindy and get yours. Each member is required to sell at least 25 tickets. If you want to sell more, you’re welcome to do that. The 4-H member who sells the most tickets in Larimer County this year will receive a $100 reward!

Our club will be selling tickets on Saturday, January 26 and Sunday, January 27 from 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. at the King Soopers on Eagle Drive in Loveland. Go to Signups to volunteer for a shift and join your 4-H friends selling tickets!

January 2019 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Enrollment is still open for new members. The deadline to enroll is March 1. Returning members can add or remove projects until March 1 also.

The club voted on the booths to run at the 4-H Carnival on March 2. Members received tickets to sell for the carnival. Our club will be selling tickets at the King Soopers on Eagle Drive on January 26 and 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Cindy Buckardt reported about the club’s community service last month. The club wrapped presents for the Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County. There were 285 excited kids at the Christmas party!

There were demonstrations about Archery Stabilizers, Molding Brass, and Fractions for Baking.

The next meeting will be on February 11 at 7:00 p.m.

December 2018 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by secretary, Lacey Adams.

The meeting of the High Country Handiworkers was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Brooke Carlson.

The pledges were led by Walker Cameron, River Matthews, and Amanda Martin.

Roll call was taken by secretary Lacey Adams by asking the question, “What is one project you are taking or thinking about taking this year?” Cael Claude moved to approve the minutes as posted on the club website. Seconded and APPROVED.

In the absence of treasurer Nate Rogers, the report was given by Bree Caffey: checking = $3,192.36 and savings = $2,324.

The reporter’s report was given by Walker Cameron. November’s meeting report was submitted to the Coloradoan and Reporter-Herald as well as our club’s social media and the club website.

​Cael Claude gave the sunshine report. We had four December birthdays.

​Cindy Buckardt gave the Cloverbud report. The Cloverbuds made placemats with recycled Christmas cards, played Christmas bingo, and decorated gingerbread cookies.

Leader’s Report:

Parliamentary Procedure – Rob Ryan will be serving as club parliamentarian. He gave a brief introduction about parliamentary procedure and why it’s important.

Foods Project – Trista Claude gave a report on the Foods project group and announced that the next meeting will be on Monday, January 7. Members should bring their favorite dishes. Trista is also working on setting up a tour of the Black Garlic shop.

Shooting Sports – Reminder that all those participating in shooting sports need to fill out a shooting sports waiver to turn in with their enrollment.

New Business:

4-H Carnival – The annual carnival is March 2, 2019.  Discussion about booths will be held at the January club meeting. A discussion was held to determine the themes for our auction baskets this year. Themes were nominated. A motion was made to do only two baskets. Seconded and FAILED. The club decided to collect items for three baskets. The basket themes are: Colorado Sports, Dog Care, and Camping.

Officer Elections – Elections were held with the following officers being elected: President Brooke Carlson, Vice President Breelyn Caffey, Secretary Grace Gray, Treasurer Lizzy Fetzer, Sunshine Cael Claude and Eden Copeland, Historian Kathryn Cox, Reporter Walker Cameron. 


  • Cael Claude about the solar hat he designed and made for his Outdoor Skills project.

Cael Claude moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Seconded and APPROVED.

​The club completed a community service project, wrapping Christmas presents for the Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County.

​Cookies were shared by club families.

4-H Carnival Basket Themes

The 4-H Carnival is coming up in March! Our club is creating 3 baskets for the auction this year with these themes: Colorado Sports, Camping, Dog Care. When you’re out and about shopping, please consider picking up a few items that fit the themes and bring them to the January or February meeting

2019 Enrollment Reminder

Returning members and leaders, please go online to 4HOnline.com and re-enroll for the 2019 year. Enrollment closes on January 15, but the sooner you enroll the better! Then bring your signed enrollment form and enrollment fee to the club meeting on January 14.

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