Club Announcements for December 5, 2018

December 5 – In-Person Leader Training: All leaders, new and returning, must complete either the online course or attend this workshop at 6:00 p.m. in the McKee Building. 

December 6 – Outdoor Skills Workshop at 6:30 p.m. in the McKee Building. Anyone interested in the project may attend to learn more.

December 10 – In-Person Leader Training: All leaders, new and returning, must complete either the online course or attend this workshop at 6:00 p.m. in the McKee Building. 

December 10 – Our December club meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the McKee Building exhibit hall. Officer elections will be held. And we’ll complete our community service project wrapping Christmas gifts after the meeting. There’s no need to bring anything for wrapping. We will also have a cookie exchange. Please bring two dozen to share and be able to take a few home as well. Cloverbuds are welcome to come and wrap gifts also! (The November meeting minutes are posted. Please be sure that club members have read them prior to the meeting.)

December 17 – Western Heritage Workshop at 6:30 p.m. in the McKee Building. Anyone interested in the project may attend to learn more.

December 20 – Outdoor Skills Workshop at 6:30 p.m. in the McKee Building . Anyone interested in the project may attend to learn more.

January 1 – Please try to turn in your completed enrollment and fees to Cindy by this date. The enrollment fee is $50 per participant. However, fee waivers are available, if needed. All Shooting Sports participants MUST complete a Shooting Sports waiver and turn it in to Cindy with enrollment.

November 2018 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by secretary, Lacey Adams.

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by President Brooke Carlson.

Pledges were led by Bella Kendrot and Elizabeth Martin.

Roll call was taken by secretary, Lacey Adams with the question, “What is your favorite holiday?”

Cael Claude moved to accept the minutes of the October club meeting as published on the club website.  Seconded and APPROVED.

The treasurer’s report was given by Nate Rogers: savings = $2,183.69, checking = $1,988.87.

The reporter’s report by Walker Cameron: reports were submitted to The Coloradoan and Reporter-Herald, and our club website and Facebook.

There were three November birthdays celebrated by Sunshine person Cael Claude.

The Cloverbud report was presented by Lacey Adams. The Cloverbuds learned about why the leaves change color and made leaf buddies, then had snack.

Leader’s Report:

Leader Refresher Training – There will be two leader training workshops offered in lieu of the online training. They will be held on December 5 and December 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the McKee Building. If leaders do not attend, they need to complete the online training before enrolling for 2019.

Activity Leaders – To get the activity leaders more involved, Cindy would like each leader to take one month and prepare some type of activity for the club.  A SignUpGenius will be made to sign up for the month of your activity.

Enrollment – New member packets and sign-up pages for the year are available.

Members Keira Cornett and Hailey McNear requested that fellow club members consider attending a Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, November 17 from 7:30–9:30 a.m. at the Applebees in Loveland to support their Girl Scout troop.

Old Business:

Achievement Night – A brief recap of the county Achievement Night was given. Our club won many awards and was prominent in the slideshow.

Turning Pens Community Service – Recap on the turning pens for the troops at Woodcraft. Cael Claude moved to spend $153 for the 100 pen kits for the project. The funds had already been spent as approved by the club officers since a meeting was not held in a timely manner.  The motion made to keep the club informed. Seconded and APPROVED.

New Business:

National  4-H Congress – Hailey McCrimmon qualified to attend because of her Overall Grand Champion award on her Gardening project at the State Fair. Walter Buckardt moved for the club to give her  $150 for her trip to help with the expenses. Seconded and APPROVED.

Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County – Bella Kendrot moved to wrap Christmas presents for the Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County at our December Club meeting as a community service project. Seconded and APPROVED.

Club Elections – Each of the club’s officers described the club of their roles in preparation for the officer elections to be held in December.

Club Achievement Night – End of the year awards and completion certificates were presented to club members, along with the club achievement program of all of the club members’ accomplishments.


  • Andrea Newby about the stages of a goat’s gestational development.
  • Delaney Newby about what to look for when buying a rabbit.
  • Haley Erickson about her Captain America shield she made for Woodworking for the county fair.
  • Janaya Erickson about a bucket seat that she made for Home Environment for the county fair.
  • Brooke Carlson presented her speech about proper vaccinating for livestock in preparation for her FFA competition.
  • Lizzy Fetzer talked about her Portuguese Water Dog and about the breed.

Cael Claude moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 p.m.  Seconded and APPROVED.

Nominate 4-H for a SCHEELS Colorado Gives Donation

Nominate 4-H to receive a donation from SCHEELS for Colorado Gives Day! The deadline is this Sunday, December 2.

Click through to the form ( and input “Larimer County 4-H Foundation.” You can include it under both of these categories:

  • Youth Support Program (education, mentorship, afterschool program, etc.)
  • Outdoor Recreation/Sports Organization

Club Announcements for November 28, 2018

Cloverbuds and Leathercraft

Tonight, our Cloverbuds and Leathercraft projects meet take place at Construction Supply House (255 42nd Street SW unit B) beginning at 6:30 p.m.


Please get your enrollment done as soon as possible.

If you are not planning on enrolling for 2019, please let me know and if you would like your name removed from the e-mail list please let me know as well. If you have questions about enrollment please let us know.

Leader Training

Leaders must complete online training before enrollment will be completed. There is a class being held December 5 and 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the McKee Building for those that would rather do an in-person class instead of the online training.

Next Club Meeting

Our next club meeting is December 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the exhibit hall of the McKee Building. We will be wrapping gifts for our community service that evening. And officer elections will be held, so please think about whether you’d like to run for an office.

Returning Leaders: In-Person Training Dates Scheduled

This year, returning leaders are required to complete updated training modules before re-enrolling for the 2019 4-H year. You can complete the online training now, or you can attend the in-person trainings scheduled for Wednesday, December 5 at 6:00 p.m. and Monday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m.

If you wish to complete the training online, you can click here to access step-by-step instructions to complete the online training. The training consists of four modules. Each module takes about 10 minutes to complete, for a total of 40 minutes. At the end of the training, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. Please save this certificate and email it to Pam Heeney at

If you have any questions, please contact Cindy or Pam.

November 2018 Meeting Report

Submitted by reporter, Walker Cameron.

The High Country Handiworkers 4-H Club met on Monday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

The club and its members did very well at Larimer County achievement night.

The club voted to do a community service at the next meeting, wrapping presents for Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County.

Enrollment for the 2019 4-H year is open. For returning members the deadline is January 15. If new members are interested in joining 4-H, the enrollment deadline is March 1. For more information, go to

On the 4th of November, volunteers from our club turned pens for the troops. 100 completed writing pens are being sent to service men and women.

The club will have officer elections at the December meeting.

Club leader, Cindy Buckardt, presented achievements to the club members for the past year. Member pins, livestock record books, and special awards were given out.

There were demonstrations presented about the stages of gestation for goats, tips on buying a rabbit, a member’s Captain America woodworking project, a member’s bucket seat project for home environment, proper vaccination methods, and Portuguese water dogs.

The next meeting will be on December 10 at 7:00 p.m.

For more information, visit the High Country Handiworkers website at or on Facebook by searching for hch4hclub.

Shooting Sports Leader Certification Schedule 2019

The dates and locations for the Shooting Sports leader certification trainings have been posted. The closest training will be in Boulder County on April 5–7, 2019. At this training, they will offer certification for Archery, Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun. Please visit the Larimer County Shooting Sports website to find more details.

We encourage you to strongly consider attending the training and volunteering in the Shooting Sports program. ​Our county has a large, successful program, but we need certified volunteers to continue to offer those opportunities for our 4-H members.

2019 Carnival Planning Meeting

There will be a planning meeting for the 4-H Foundation Carnival on Monday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Berthoud Room, McKee 4-H Building. All 4-H leaders and members are welcome to attend and share input for the 2019 Carnival to be held on Saturday, March 2, 2019.

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