
Carcass Seminar and Awards Night

The Carcass Seminar and Awards Night is coming up on October 12 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 161 of the Animal Sciences Building on CSU’s campus. The address is 350 West Pitkin Street, Fort Collins, CO 80521, and the easiest access is via Pitkin from College. Pitkin does not go through to Shields. Please use the entrance on the west side of the building to get to room 161. 

Following the presentation by CSU and the awards of the top four in each species, there will be an opportunity to view lamb carcasses and tour CSU’s meat facility. 

Catch-It-Calf Program, Sponsored by Larimer County Stock Growers Association

The Larimer County Stock Growers Association is eager to start the Catch-It-Calf program. Calves will be donated by producers in the Larimer County Livestock Growers Association. The association will accept 6 members to participate in the program for this year based on an application process. This program was created to help introduce members to the beef project and give them more practical experience with livestock handling and welfare standards. Applications will be accepted throughout the month of September—the deadline to apply is October 8, 2023. It is strongly encouraged that you become a member of the association before applying. Please send the application and any membership questions to

Click here for more information, and click here to download the application.

Club News for September 1

A big congratulations to everyone in the club who completed their projects this year! All of your hard work has paid off. It is hard to believe the 4-H year is over.

End-of-the-Year Potluck Picnic

On Monday, September 11, our usual meeting night, we will meet at Fairgrounds Park off of Railroad Avenue in Loveland for an end-of-the-year potluck picnic. Start time is 6:00 p.m. Please bring a dish or two to share. The club will provide sloppy joes, the paper goods, lemonade, and water. For members enrolled in livestock including dog and poultry, please bring your finished record books at this time.

4-H Open House

The Larimer County 4-H Open House will be on Thursday, October 5 from 5:30–7:30 p.m. in the McKee Building’s Exhibit Hall. Our club will have a table, and we need a few families who would be willing to talk about our club and 4-H in general to help get the public interested in 4-H. Yes, this is a community service to get you started on next year!

State Fair Project Pickup 

This Wednesday, September 6 is the day to pick up your state fair projects. Come to the Fort Collins room in the McKee Building between 7:30–10:00 a.m.  If you are not able to make it during this time, please let me know and I will pick your project up for you. For those who sent a project to state fair for the first time, sorry, but state fair does not pay premiums.

See you on the 11th!

Livestock Sale Add-ons

Did you know you can support our 4-H livestock members even if you don’t buy an animal at the Junior Livestock Sale? You can contribute any dollar amount to a 4-H member by doing a Livestock Sale Add-on.

Add-Ons are an easy and great way to increase the total sale price for a youth member and are really appreciated. The add-on amount is directly credited to the total sale amount for the youth member you choose, and no bidding is necessary to participate. Additional contributions can also be made to a particular species or the overall Livestock Sale.

Click here to view the Sale Bill PDF.

  1. Fill out the Add-on Form.
  2. Go to the payment portal.
  3. Choose Select Service Type “Fair: Jr. Livestock Sale.” Include the child’s name, species, and the dollar amount.

Add-ons are accepted for 14 days from the sale date.

It’s a great way to show your support!

Pee Wee Showmanship for Cloverbuds

Cloverbuds are invited to participate in Pee Wee Showmanship for Goats, Sheep, and/or Swine.

Here is the info for all shows:

  • Pee Wee exhibitors must be under 8 years old (4-H age).
  • Make arrangements with a 4-H youth who is showing at the Larimer County Fair to use their animal. Pee Wee showman can be accompanied by 4-H youth into the show ring.
  • Sign the release form provided when you sign up.
  • Pee Wee exhibitors must wear close-toed shoes.
  • Any questions? Please Contact Laura Boldt, Competition Coordinator, 970-619-4023.

Pee Wee Goat Showmanship

  • Thursday, August 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the MAC Arena.
  • Sign up 2 hours before the show (announced in the barn).
  • Limited to 30 participants.

Pee Wee Sheep Showmanship

  • Saturday, August 5 at 11:00 a.m. in the MAC arena.
  • Sign up 2 hours before the show (announced in the barn).
  • Limited to 30 participants.

Pee Wee Swine Showmanship

  • Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 3:00 pm in the MAC arena.
  • Sign up after weigh-in (Friday, August 4, 6:00–8:00 a.m.).
  • Limited to 20 participants.

Info for Livestock Members for County Fair

From Bailey Schilling:

We will have a Prepare for Fair workshop on Friday, July 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the McKee Building. At this workshop, there will be time for questions before the county fair begins. We will go over the schedule, species-specific information, and where to enter The Ranch.

The Show Management Committee also wants to provide some answers to questions that were discussed in depth at the last Show Management meeting.

  1. There have been questions about using products on swine to enhance their skin color. Members will not be allowed to use paint, polishes, or powders to manipulate or enhance the natural colors of the hog.
  2. Members will have the opportunity to get their record books checked during species set-up times. Members will still need to present a copy of the yellow form during check-in to verify that their record books have been checked. Record book checks will also take place at the time of specific check-in times like normal.
  3. All Livestock Sale Forms will be collected at specific check-in times. No forms will be collected at the time of set-up even if your record book is checked.  

Maps of the Ranch will be sent out next week on how to enter for set-up times and check-in times. 

Mandatory Meetings for Junior Livestock Sale

Message from the Larimer County Jr Livestock Sale Committee:

The first of two mandatory livestock sale meetings will be held on Sunday, June 25 from 4:00–6:00 p.m. at the McKee Building. Another opportunity will be on Sunday, July 9 from 4:00–6:00 p.m. at the McKee Building.

Meeting Information

In an effort to streamline processes, answer questions, provide important information, and distribute Sale Packets, the Larimer County Junior Livestock Sale Committee will be hosting two mandatory Sale Committee Meetings. You must attend one of these meetings in order to participate in the Sale on August 9, 2023.

The meetings will review important information and changes to the Sale along with each Livestock Exhibitor that is eligible to participate in the Sale will receive their Sale Packet. The Sale Packet will contain the buyers’ contact card, brochures and information about the Sale, mandatory paperwork, and other important information.

If, for some reason, you cannot attend either meeting, please email us to make other arrangements. Or you can send an authorized representative to the meeting. If you plan to send someone in your place, please email us with the 4-H member’s name(s) and who you are assigning to pick up the packets.

We hope to see you all there and have a great day.

John Foley at
Stephanie Morrison at or 1-970-443-9891
Caree Rinebarger at or 1-970-219-1690

Mandatory Sale Committee Meeting for Livestock Members

Attention: All 4-H Members Planning to Participate in the 4-H Junior Livestock Sale on August 9.

In an effort to streamline processes, answer questions, provide important information, and distribute Sale Packets, the Larimer County Junior Livestock Sale Committee will be hosting Mandatory Meetings for 4-H members. There are two opportunities, and you must attend one of these meetings to be eligible to participate in the Junior Livestock Sale on August 9, 2023.

Sunday, June 25, 4:00–6:00 p.m. in the Timnath/LaPorte Rooms

Sunday, July 9, 4:00–6:00 p.m. in the Timnath/LaPorte Rooms

The meeting will review important information and changes to the sale, and each livestock exhibitor who is eligible to participate in the sale will receive their Sale Packet. The Sale Packet will contain the buyers’ contact card, brochures, and information about the sale, mandatory paperwork, and other important information. 

If you are unable to attend either date or if you have questions or concerns, please contact the Larimer County Junior Livestock Sale Committee Executive Committee:

John Foley at or 806-341-8696,
Stephanie Morrison at or 970-443-9891,
Caree Rinebarger at or 970-219-1690.

Hog Camp / June 9–10, 2023

From Bailey Schilling:

There is an exciting opportunity for you to join this year’s Hog Camp. We are happy to welcome Bryan Williams as the clinician for this camp. Bryan is the creator of which assists members in understanding animal evaluation, show ring success, and basic livestock knowledge. Bryan has worked very closely with several successful breeders in the swine industry, along with raising and feeding highly competitive show pigs. Bryan has built a career working with youth by serving as an FFA instructor. We are excited to welcome Bryan, and he’s excited to share his knowledge with you. 

The camp will be on June 9–10 in the East Pavilion at the Ranch.

If you are interested in attending this event, please fill out a registration form and deliver it to the extension office or email it to Bailey Schilling. Registration will be completed when it is coupled with a payment. Please register as soon as possible. 

Click here for the registration form.

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