
Jingle Bell Jackpot 2022

Larimer and Weld County along with the Colorado Junior Swine Association will be putting together the 6th Annual Jingle Bell Jackpot Show on December 3, 2022 at Island Grove Regional Park in the Beef Barn. Please feel free to reach out to the contacts provided on the flyers for any questions. 

Club News for November 19

Thank You!

First, Cindy would like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes, flowers, and cupcakes at the club meeting. It was very special and appreciated.


I would also like to welcome all the new families who attended the meeting last Monday. We look forward to your membership and participation.


Congratulations to all the 2021–2022 High Country Handiworkers who completed their projects. Our club members completed another successful year—a job WELL DONE!

Pick Up Projects by December 10

For those who did not attend the November meeting, I will bring your completion certificates and projects to the club meeting one last time in December. If I have your fair project, it would be helpful if you would come by our business, Construction Supply House at 806 North 2nd Street in Berthoud, and pick it up prior to the December meeting. It is a lot to load and unload. If I still have projects following the December 5th meeting, those projects will be disposed of on December 10th. I simply don’t have the space to store projects.

Food Project Meeting

Foods will meet on December 5th prior to the club meeting starting at 6:00 p.m.

December Meeting

Reminder, the December Club meeting has changed to December 5. We will be doing a club community service project, so it’s very important to attend. A community service project is required of every club member. Returning members: please sign up for a demonstration. We will also be holding officer elections.

Cloverbuds Meeting

The first Cloverbuds meeting of the new 4-H year will be this Monday, November 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the McKee Building. Note the new location—we have outgrown my shop building.

Extension Agent Change

The extension office has received notice that 4-H Leadership Agent, Katie Daywalker, will not be returning following her maternity leave. The entire office wishes the best for Katie and her family in their future endeavors.

For members involved in Family Consumer Science and General Projects (except shooting sports), we are working diligently to maintain and provide support for project areas to allow for the best experience for members for the upcoming year. If you have any questions about volunteer or project information that was under Katie’s purview, please contact either Bailey Schilling at or Pam Heeney at

Leathercraft Workshops for 2023

Leathercraft workshops start at the end of September and go through April. It is helpful for the members who are interested in the Leathercraft project to get started early.

At Bryant and Patty Miller’s Home

1626 West County Road 76
Wellington, CO 80549
Time: 3:45–5:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, September 29
  • Thursday, October 13
  • Thursday, October 27
  • Thursday, November 10 
  • Thursday, December 1
  • Thursday, December 15
  • Thursday, December 29

At the McKee Building at The Ranch

Time: 3:45/4:00–5:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, Oct. 6th, 20 in the LaPorte Room
  • Thursday, Nov. 3rd LaPorte Room
  • Thursday, Dec. 8th Estes Park Room
  • Thursday, Dec. 22 LaPorte Room

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bryant or Patty Miller.

Bryant Miller, Head Leather Pounder: 970-443-5267 or Patty Miller: 970-443-9107

Club News for August 31


Congratulations to all of our members who participated in the County Cake Decorating Contest, Shooting Sports Competitions, County Fair, Livestock Sale, and those who went on to the State Competitions, Contests, State Fair, and State Livestock Sale. Wow, did we accomplish a lot this year!

September Potluck

Our next club meeting is not a meeting, but an end-of-the-year celebration picnic to be held at Fairgrounds Park in Loveland. This is a potluck, so please bring a dish to share. We will start at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 12. The club will provide sloppy joes, paper plates, plasticware, napkins, and coolers of lemonade and water.

Livestock Record Books

All members enrolled in a livestock project, including dog, please bring your completed record books to the potluck on Monday, September 12. I will sign them and turn them in at the extension office. If you were enrolled in a livestock project but did not show at the county fair, you still MUST complete your record books and turn them in. If you are unable to attend the picnic then I MUST receive them by September 15 at my office at Construction Supply House in Berthoud.

Open House

If you know anyone who is interested in learning more about 4-H, encourage them to attend the Larimer County 4-H Open House on Thursday, October 6 at 6:00 p.m. at the McKee Building.

2023 4-H Year

Start thinking about next year—our first meeting for the upcoming year is October 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the McKee Building and enrollment will open on October 16.

I am very proud of all of our members and how well they showed at all the contests, competitions, and at fair. GREAT JOB!

Club News for July 7

Our last official club meeting for the 2021–2022 year is this Monday, July 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the McKee Building. If you have not yet completed your demonstration, go to the Signups page on to grab a slot.

I received a report of those entered in the county fair as of Wednesday evening. If you are not sure if you entered or did so correctly, contact me and I will check my list. Remember, fair entry is due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, July 8.

Cloverbuds will be meeting on Monday, July 18 at 6:30 p.m. to work on fair projects. Cloverbuds do NOT need to enter through Fair Entry. Simply come to the fair on the morning of August 2 and bring your project to check-in. Cloverbuds: please bring a hammer to the meeting. We are going to build! If Cloverbuds have an older sibling who would like to come and help their younger sibling with their project, this would be great and would also count as leadership for the older member’s e-Record.

We will be building/decorating our club’s parade float on July 29 at 6:00 p.m. at Construction Supply House (806 North 2nd Street, Berthoud). Pizza and water will be provided. This is an opportunity to bring your record books for my signature as the Club Leader.

I will be at the club meeting at 6:00 p.m. and stay after if you have record book questions or need a signature. I will not sign a book until it is complete or very close to completion.

Good luck to all of our club members who are participating in county shoots this weekend!

See you on Monday at the club meeting!

Cindy Buckardt

Club Members Compete at National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships

Two of our club’s members traveled to Grand Island, Nebraska to participate in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships from June 26–July 1, 2022. Colorado sends teams of 4 members for each shooting sports discipline. There were 391 total participants representing 39 states.

Nicholas Freeland competed in Air Rifle and Walker Cameron competed in Small-Bore Rifle.

Thank you for representing our club, our county, and our state so well, Nick and Walker!

Nicholas Freeland and Walker Cameron.

Poultry Update

From Bailey Schilling
4-H Youth Development Livestock & Shooting Sports Agent

After consultation and discussion between the CSU Extension Office, the 4-H Poultry Superintendents, the Larimer County Fair Show Committee, and the State Vet, we have made the difficult decision to cancel all poultry and waterfowl competitions at this year’s Larimer County Fair.

While Emergency Rule has expired, the Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office recommends that all poultry shows, sales, swaps, and commingling events continue to be postponed or canceled at this time. It has been reported that HPAI has affected more than 40 million domestic birds nationwide, and more than 3.5 million chickens in Colorado alone, and we are asking all Colorado bird owners to practice good biosecurity measures, including limiting exposure of domestic flocks to wild birds and other poultry flocks and limiting the introduction of new birds into their flocks.

We plan on offering a poster contest and egg decoration contest that members will have the opportunity to participate in. Members who are interested in participating in these offerings will email Bailey at

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