District VI Pet-Palooza Virtual Cat & Dog Show
District VI has opened the Pet-Palooza Virtual Cat & Dog Show to all members in the state. Register at this link:
Cat, Dog, and Horse IDs Due by May 1
Cat, Dog, and Horse IDs are due on by May 1. Even if you uploaded the information last year, be sure to go online this year.
Dog and Cat Project Clarifications
If you want to participate in any of the dog show activities then you MUST enter on the Fair Entry Form and submit it by July 15. This is NOT a requirement to participate—it is an option. To complete the dog project, the dog record book must be completed and turned in to Cindy by September 12. If you are participating in the dog activities prior to fair then the record book must be up-to-date and taken to the check-in at the shows.
If you want to participate in the cat show then you MUST enter on the fair entry form and submit it July 15. This is NOT a requirement to participate—it is an option. To complete the project, the cat record book must be completed and turned in to Cindy by September 12. If you are participating in the activities prior to fair then the record book must be up-to-date and taken to the check-in.
Also, Cat projects may participate in the county fair. If you would like then the record book must be completed and a display board completed. This must be on the fair entry form as well. Following fair entry, sign up for an interview time. Again this is optional but strongly encouraged.
Cat, Dog, and Horse IDs Due by May 1
If you are a member of the Cat, Dog, or Horse projects, complete your IDs on 4HOnline by May 1.