Shooting Sports

Club Announcements for June 25, 2020

How exciting that 4-H is moving along!

For those enrolled in Shooting Sports, be sure to use the SignUpGenius to schedule when you will be attending practices. This is a requirement to attend, and you must turn in your informed consent form as well.

For those enrolled in other projects, I hope you have started. Be sure to review the fair Schedule of Events for fair and notice that projects are due approximately 10 days earlier than the original plan. These projects will be turned in at the Embassy Suites, not the McKee Building. If you are unable to drop off at your scheduled time or able to pick up at the scheduled time, please let me know and we can make arrangements.

Market Livestock kids: we will know more following the livestock sale committee meeting this Tuesday, June 30. This is an open meeting. If you are interested in attending, please let me know and I can send you the link to the Google meeting.

I hope everyone has seen the email about enrolling your projects online through Fair Entry. Any specific questions about your project and what is needed to exhibit at the fair, please contact Cindy or review the Fair Premium Book.

Fair entries are due July 13! That is only two weeks away!

The question has come up in this trying year about completion. If a member does not complete at least one of their projects then our club gets a ding. Too many dings and we can be put on probation. We have always been above 80% completion I realize this year is tough, but there are lots of ways to complete. If you are struggling with this, please let me know and I will help you!

The most important thing right now is to stay up-to-date with information on our club website. All projects must be turned in with an e-Record, which is downloaded from the Colorado 4-H Website. There is a link under Resources in the footer of our Livestock will not have a record book check and must be completed by September.

Cindy is always available. Call, text or email her.

Hang in there! It is great to be a part of 4-H!

Shooting Sports Practices Resuming

FINALLY! Shooting Sports is going to happen!

Shooting Sports members should have received an email about signing a COVID-19 4-H Member Participation Agreement form. This form needs to be filled out, scanned, and uploaded to your 4HOnline account. If you need help, email Cindy. A similar form is required for certified Shooting Sports leaders as well.

There was another e-mail that came out this morning with a SignUpGenius to participate in Shooting Sports practices. All members and leaders MUST register to come to practices. You can’t just show up and expect to participate. The registration SignUpGenius will close at 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the practice so that leaders have time to prepare.

.22 Rifle is starting tomorrow and other practices will begin next week.

Remember you only need a minimum of 3 practices to participate in the County Shoots this year. If you joined the club later or missed the January orientations, be sure you have done the online Safety Quiz before you go to the signup to register for practices.

More detailed information can be found on the Shooting Sports website at

Club Announcements

New Cake Decorating members should have received an email with info for a Zoom workshop on Monday, May 12.

Welcome to our newest club project leader, Jenelle Kemper! She will be taking on Photography!

Please go on to Facebook and like the High Country Handiworkers page. Sharel is posting lots of great virtual workshops from all over the country.

If you are enrolled in Shooting Sports and haven’t done orientation, you can complete the Safety orientation online now.

If you ordered club t-shirts or hoodies, they are in and will be distributed when we see each other again.

If you are 11-years-old or older, you can complete the entire course online to get a Hunter Education card right now! No in-person class is required. Even if you’re not enrolled in the Shooting Sports project, this is a great opportunity to get your Hunter Education card! Parents should consider doing it as well.

The Junior Leadership Club is offering scholarships to help with project expenses. Find information on the Junior Leadership Club’s website and grab an application for a project scholarship here.

Hunter Education In-Person Class Temporarily Waived for Ages 11+

Colorado Parks & Wildlife has temporarily waived the in-person class requirement for 120 days for anyone 11-years-old and older. This ends on July 31, 2020.

  • If you completed the online course after January 1 but before April 8, 2020, you can visit and re-print your certificate which will now include your official hunter ed number. Then reach out to Colorado Parks & Wildlife and they will mail your permanent hunter education card directly to you.
  • If you complete the online course after April 8, 2020, you will automatically receive your permanent hunter education card in the mail.

Take note, this only applies to those 11-years-old and older. Any kids 10-years-old and younger must still complete the in-person portion of the course.

This is a great time to get your Hunter Education done!

We will still be offering the hunter education completion course on June 20–21 for the 4-H members 8–10 years old.

On June 20, the class will be at the McKee Building from 10:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. On June 21, the live shooting portion will be at Front Range Gun Club beginning at 7:00 a.m.

Registration is now available online at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website for the class on June 20–21. Click here to register. The cost for this four-hour class and the live shooting is $10.

Begin the online portion by going to and completing the online course. Be sure to print the certificate of completion and other required forms when you are finished.

Hunter education is not required to compete at the county shoots. However, to be eligible to compete at the state competition, participants must submit their hunter education card on 4HOnline before the July 1 deadline. If you don’t have your hunter safety, we’re offering this opportunity to get it!

Please contact Cindy Buckardt via email or phone (970-481-7993) if you have any questions.

Shooting Sports Orientation Safety Quiz

Members who have not yet attended Shooting Sports orientation this year, you can now complete the safety portion online.

Click this link to go to the Larimer County 4-H Safety Quiz, watch the videos, and complete the quiz questions. Please make sure that at least one adult in your household is viewing the videos with the 4-H member. Check your answers and make note of any questions you answered incorrectly so you know ALL the right answers!

Orientation is required for all Shooting Sports members. If you have not yet attended, you must complete this Safety Course. The rest of your orientation will take place at the first practice for each discipline.

Shooting Sports Record Book & Project Workshop on Zoom

Check your email for information about this year’s Record Book and Project Workshops. A Zoom will be held on Wednesday, April 22 at 6:30 p.m. to walk you through the e-Record book and begin your project for the County Fair.

Before the meeting be sure to download your e-Record book. It’s available from the county shooting sports site under Resources in the footer or by clicking here.

It will be helpful to have an adult to help our younger or new members as we walk through the book.

If you have any questions before the workshop feel free to call Sam Webb at 970-214-5646 for more information.

Hunter Education Class Rescheduled for June 20-21, 2020

Our hunter education completion course has been rescheduled for June 20–21. On June 20, the class will be at the McKee Building from 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. On June 21, the live shooting portion will be at Front Range Gun Club beginning at 7:00 a.m.

Registration will be available online at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website for the class on June 20–21 soon. We’ll post the link as soon as it’s up. The cost for this four-hour class and the live shooting is $10.

Get started now on the online portion by going to and completing the online course. And be sure to print out the certificate of completion and other required forms when you are finished.

Hunter education is not required to compete at the county shoots. However, to be eligible to compete at the state competition, participants must submit their hunter education card on 4HOnline before the July 1 deadline. If you don’t have your hunter safety, we’re offering this opportunity to get it!

Please contact Cindy Buckardt via email or phone (970-481-7993) if you have any questions.

CANCELED: Hunter Education Class Offered May 9–10, 2020

The Hunter Education class scheduled for May 9–10, 2020 has been canceled. Watch for news about rescheduling soon.

Hunters education is not required to compete at the county shoots. However, to be eligible to compete at the state competition, participants must submit their hunter education card on 4HOnline before the July 1 deadline. If you don’t have your hunter safety, we’re offering this opportunity to get it!

Our hunter education completion course will be offered on May 9–10. On May 9, the class will be at the McKee Building from 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. On May 10, the live shooting portion will be at Front Range Gun Club beginning at 7:00 a.m.

Register online at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website for the class on May 9–10. (Click here to pull up this class directly.) The cost for this four-hour class and the live shooting is $10.

Then visit and complete the online course. The cost is $24.50. Go ahead and get started on this course! And be sure to print out the certificate of completion and other required forms when you are finished.

Please contact Cindy Buckardt at 970-481-7993 if you have any questions.

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