
Club News for November 19

Thank You!

First, Cindy would like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes, flowers, and cupcakes at the club meeting. It was very special and appreciated.


I would also like to welcome all the new families who attended the meeting last Monday. We look forward to your membership and participation.


Congratulations to all the 2021–2022 High Country Handiworkers who completed their projects. Our club members completed another successful year—a job WELL DONE!

Pick Up Projects by December 10

For those who did not attend the November meeting, I will bring your completion certificates and projects to the club meeting one last time in December. If I have your fair project, it would be helpful if you would come by our business, Construction Supply House at 806 North 2nd Street in Berthoud, and pick it up prior to the December meeting. It is a lot to load and unload. If I still have projects following the December 5th meeting, those projects will be disposed of on December 10th. I simply don’t have the space to store projects.

Food Project Meeting

Foods will meet on December 5th prior to the club meeting starting at 6:00 p.m.

December Meeting

Reminder, the December Club meeting has changed to December 5. We will be doing a club community service project, so it’s very important to attend. A community service project is required of every club member. Returning members: please sign up for a demonstration. We will also be holding officer elections.

Cloverbuds Meeting

The first Cloverbuds meeting of the new 4-H year will be this Monday, November 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the McKee Building. Note the new location—we have outgrown my shop building.

Pee Wee Showmanship

Pee Wee Sheep Showmanship is on Friday at 11:00 a.m. in the MAC arena. They are allowing 30 participants on a first come/first to sign up basis. If you are in the need of a lamb, the rules state that it must be a sheep entered in the county fair and arrangements need to be made ahead of time. Cindy will help you find one—please text her at 970-481-7993, because her access to email is limited this week.

Pee Wee Swine is on Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and the info is the same, except it is limited to 20 participants.

Cloverbuds at Twin Silo Park on June 20

We have Cloverbuds this Monday, June 20. We are going to do a club outing at Twin Silo Park, 5552 Ziegler Road in Fort Collins.

Note the different start time! We will meet at 6:00 p.m.

Please have the kids eat before coming—we will have a snack for them.

Mad Scientist Camp Cloverbud

Katie Daywalker
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development & Leadership

There has been a change to our June programming plan. We had planned to host a Larimer County Cloverbud camp in June, but it will not be feasible. We plan to begin offering an annual camp beginning next summer.

Instead, for this June, we invite you to join the Weld County Cloverbud Camp on Saturday, June 4th from 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. 

Weld County has hosted their annual Cloverbud camps for many years and they do an excellent job with them. I have heard glowing feedback from many families about their children’s experiences at their camps. 

The Weld County Cloverbud camp is open to ALL Youth 5–7 years old. It is FREE for 4-H Cloverbud members and there is a $20 fee for non-4-H members. 

REGISTER HERE by May 25th to join!

Cloverbuds Field Trip to SCHEELS

This month, instead of our usual meeting for Cloverbuds, we’re going on a field trip to SCHEELS.

We’ll meet at SCHEELS inside the west doors near the bear and the moose at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 18.

We need to have a finalized count ahead of time, so please RSVP on the SignUpGenius by Tuesday, April 12.

(RSVP is now closed.)

March Cloverbuds Fun

The High Country Handiworkers Cloverbud members spent the March meeting playing carnival games, winning prizes, and filling out their Cloverbud record books.

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