
Livestock and Animal Record Books Due

Livestock and Animal record books are due to Cindy by Thursday, September 15. You can bring them to the HCH Club Picnic at Fairgrounds Park tonight at 6:00 p.m. or bring them to her office at Construction Supply House.

This is the last step to completing your livestock and animal project for this year. Included are record books for Beef, Dairy Cattle, Dog, Cat, Goat, Horse, Alpaca/Llama, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep, and Swine.

Pet-Palooza 2021

Registration is open for Pet-Palooza, a virtual cat and dog show open to ALL 4-H members including Cloverbuds (alumni divisions, too)! This is a low-key opportunity to get feedback on your skills while having fun.

Register online and you will receive a link for uploading your videos.

All video must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on May 29, 2021.

Volunteers for Cat Workshops

Do you have experience with Cats or the Cat project? The Extension Office is looking for help to offer a few workshops for the Cat Project members. Contact the Extension Office directly at 970-498-6000 to volunteer.

Dog and Cat Project Clarifications


If you want to participate in any of the dog show activities then you MUST enter on the Fair Entry Form and submit it by July 15. This is NOT a requirement to participate—it is an option. To complete the dog project, the dog record book must be completed and turned in to Cindy by September 12. If you are participating in the dog activities prior to fair then the record book must be up-to-date and taken to the check-in at the shows.


If you want to participate in the cat show then you MUST enter on the fair entry form and submit it July 15. This is NOT a requirement to participate—it is an option. To complete the project, the cat record book must be completed and turned in to Cindy by September 12. If you are participating in the activities prior to fair then the record book must be up-to-date and taken to the check-in.

Also, Cat projects may participate in the county fair. If you would like then the record book must be completed and a display board completed. This must be on the fair entry form as well. Following fair entry, sign up for an interview time. Again this is optional but strongly encouraged.

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