
Sheep and Goat Vet Chat TONIGHT

Adams County 4-H is hosting Dr. Jennifer Gochanour from Living Springs Veterinary Care (Bennett, CO) to teach us about home health care and first-aid for sheep and goats. Learn how to keep your animals healthy, how to care for them if they do get sick or injured, and when to call a vet.

All 4-H families are welcome to register and join virtually.

• When: Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
• Where: Zoom. Register in advance for this meeting:…/regi…/tJIkdumprzMvHdVz0ZYEJNWLwBl1AUD8ptzw

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

National Western Stock Show Catch-a-Calf 2021–2022

The 2021 National Western Stock Show has been postponed. However, applications are still being accepted for participants for the 2021–2022 Catch-a-Calf Program. To apply for the program, go to and complete the online application. There is also a mandatory form to be printed and completed. The application deadline has been extended until January 15, 2021. The applications will be screened and then 40 spots will be drawn randomly, instead of the typical rodeo catches. 

This program is open to youth who are between the ages of 12 to 18 as of December 31, 2020. Youth must be enrolled in 4-H and a resident of the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, or Nebraska.

Livestock Key Leader Applications

Applications are now being accepted for Key Leader and Assistant Key Leader positions in all Livestock project areas.

Due to duties around the County Fair being split between Extension and The Ranch, we are better defining the two distinct roles of “Key Leaders” (a 4-H, year-round educational role) and “County Fair Superintendents” (manage the competition at the County Fair only). In the past, these have often been combined. However now that they are separated, there will be two distinct application processes for Livestock only, so we know who is interested in one or both roles as we move forward with this segregation of duties. No changes will be made to other project areas at this time. Larimer County Extension will select Key Leaders and The Ranch will solicit for and select County Fair Superintendents.

All current Key Leaders in the Livestock project areas must re-apply this year. Current Key Leaders in other project areas do not need to re-apply at this time. The Ranch will be posting applications to become a County Fair Superintendent in the coming weeks. We will alert you when that happens.

If you are interested in helping to organize and run educational project activities throughout the year, you may want to be a Key Leader in that project area. Key Leaders will work with their chosen area to help organize and/or lead educational activities, schedule workshops and clinics, run check-ins, oversee set up and clean up, give direction, and answer questions.

Assistant Leaders will support the Key Leader in that area, helping with all aspects of the workshops and/or contest activities.

Please consider these fun opportunities to support the Larimer County 4-H Livestock program. The Job Description and Application are available for download.

Contact Katie Daywalker at or Diane Kern with questions.

The deadline to apply is October 30, 2020.

Livestock Record Book Judging Opportunity

On behalf of the Larimer County 4-H Foundation, we are offering an opportunity to have Livestock Record Books evaluated by a group of livestock leaders. As in the past, the books will be scored and awards will be given. In this unique time, the Foundation felt it was important to continue with the submission of Livestock Record Books. This is an opportunity for all livestock species (Cat, Dog, Alpaca/Llama, Rabbit, Horse, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Swine, and Beef). THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT. If record books are submitted the Foundation will contact your club leaders to let them know that a book has been submitted.

Due to concerns of COVID, the books should be dropped off at one of four business locations around the county. The drop-off bins are in place now and record books can be dropped off anytime between now and September 23. The bins are clearly marked “Livestock Record Books.”

Morgan Timber Products

2532 West County Road 54G
Fort Collins
Gray bin located on the front porch.

Hydro Construction

77 NW Frontage Road
Fort Collins
Just south of Centennial Livestock.
Red bin in front of the office.

Newman Motor Sports

6410 South College Avenue #B
Fort Collins
Red bin located in back of the CanAm UTV on the south side of the shop.
Please drop off between 9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. on Monday–Friday or 10:00 a.m.–-1:00 p.m. on Saturday.

Construction Supply House

255 42nd Street SW, Unit B
Located on the north side of the industrial complex.
Gray bin next to the steps.

If you have any questions about completing your record book, please feel free to email Cindy.

Club Announcements for June 25, 2020

How exciting that 4-H is moving along!

For those enrolled in Shooting Sports, be sure to use the SignUpGenius to schedule when you will be attending practices. This is a requirement to attend, and you must turn in your informed consent form as well.

For those enrolled in other projects, I hope you have started. Be sure to review the fair Schedule of Events for fair and notice that projects are due approximately 10 days earlier than the original plan. These projects will be turned in at the Embassy Suites, not the McKee Building. If you are unable to drop off at your scheduled time or able to pick up at the scheduled time, please let me know and we can make arrangements.

Market Livestock kids: we will know more following the livestock sale committee meeting this Tuesday, June 30. This is an open meeting. If you are interested in attending, please let me know and I can send you the link to the Google meeting.

I hope everyone has seen the email about enrolling your projects online through Fair Entry. Any specific questions about your project and what is needed to exhibit at the fair, please contact Cindy or review the Fair Premium Book.

Fair entries are due July 13! That is only two weeks away!

The question has come up in this trying year about completion. If a member does not complete at least one of their projects then our club gets a ding. Too many dings and we can be put on probation. We have always been above 80% completion I realize this year is tough, but there are lots of ways to complete. If you are struggling with this, please let me know and I will help you!

The most important thing right now is to stay up-to-date with information on our club website. All projects must be turned in with an e-Record, which is downloaded from the Colorado 4-H Website. There is a link under Resources in the footer of our Livestock will not have a record book check and must be completed by September.

Cindy is always available. Call, text or email her.

Hang in there! It is great to be a part of 4-H!

Colorado State 4-H Virtual Contests 2020

Registration is open for the State 4-H Virtual Contests on 4HOnline. These contests are open to senior 4-H members ages 14–18 only. The contests will take place between June 22–25.

Following is a list of contests and superintendent emails.

FCS Consumer Decision Making and Skill-a-Thon Contest
Monday, June 22
Connie Cecil (
Julia Hurdelbrink (

FCS Quiz Bowl
Thursday, June 25
Connie Cecil (
Julia Hurdelbrink (

Speech Contests—Prepared and Impromptu
Monday, June 22, 2020, Orientation at 12:30 p.m., Contest at 1:00 p.m.
Josey Pukrop (
Kim Sterkel (

Livestock Judging
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Travis Taylor (
Sam Lowry (

Livestock Quiz Bowl
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Sam Lowry (

Horse Judging
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Jonathan Vrabec (

Horse Quiz Bowl
Monday, June 22
Tiffany Mead
Kenzie Kimmel (
Brittani Kirkland (

Horse Hippology
Thursday, June 25
Claudia Meeks (
Marlena Griesse (

Horse Speech and Demonstration
Tuesday, June 23
Jenny Leonetti (

Parli-Pro Contest
Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Travis Taylor (

The Tentative Schedule for the Virtual Contest is located here and is updated often. Contact our local extension agent Brittani Kirkland with questions.

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